Company profile

Company profile

Menhir company has been active on our market since 1992. Since its birth it has been involved in building locksmith´s elements and structures. The most important portion of our manufacturing programme are turn-key deliveries of building sidings.

We realize all orders with our own technicians and specialists starting from price quotations, co-operation with design activities, and elaborating production documentation, via manufacturing and final assembly on site. In our company, we highly accentuate quality and keeping to delivery terms of individual orders. During the entire period of our activities, it has never come about the shift of delivery and commissioning terms from our side. We have acquired this through meeting several basic postulates:

  • Quality of the material processed:


    one of the best European manufacturing systems of aluminium glassed-in structures that is completed with RC system. It uses less expensive profiles, nevertheless those of high quality and meeting all severe requirements

    Reynobond a Alucobond

    Two equipollent composite materials with salient features that are important for the veneer materials for siding

  • Perfect instrumentation of the workshop with jigs and machines necessary for the manufacture of aluminium structures

    A renowned supplier of these devices has been selected having a complete assortment available and supplying regular services. Manufacturing area of approx. 1000 sqm gives this technology a good-class background and allows for further development and improvement of stock of machinery and becoming adapted to the most demanding orders.

  • Quality of preproduction preparation

    A team of qualified technicians and specialists who have been perfectly trained by aluminium system suppliers will devote their time to you with the highest care and professionalism, starting from price quotation processing and manufacture and design documentation during the whole period of building to its successful completion.

  • Abilities of manufacture and installation workers

    At present the company employs more than 20 permanent employees. As this labour is an important element of the entire process, they undergo regular training aimed at the manufacturing and assembling of individual systems. At the same time, in the communication with all manufacture and preproduction workers we stress especially the fact that their willingness, carefulness and devotion during the order fulfillment contribute to the company reputation the same way as the dealing and behaving of management and technicians.

  • Straight and round dealing

    At the conclusion, we cannot choose but assure you of our frankness and fair-dealing in the commercial and technical negotiations with you. We shall not act as your opponents but as the team-mates whose target is a satisfied investor.

Za Menhir CB s.r.o.
On behalf of Menhir CB s.r.o. Messrs. Vladislav Mužík, Petr Šulda, Stanislav Vančura - executive heads.